Stainless Steel Wire Balustrade - Essex

Decking Wire Balustrade Installation at a Private Residence, Essex

A stainless steel wire balustrade can really enhance both the safety and aesthetics of any decking platform, especially with a drop on the sides.

In this instance straight runs of balustrade have been used, but with a wide range of components our system is perfect more complex designs.

This project uses our DIY wire balustrade infill, which allows for quick and easy installation on site.

Wires are supplied with one swaged ball end tensioner attached, while the swageless ball end allows you to cut wires to the size required before attaching the final end fitting.

System: Modular balustrade

Infill: Tube mount balustrade wires

Material: 316 exterior grade stainless steel

Installer: UK Decking and Fencing

Tag: Wire Balustrade, Stainless Steel Balustrade, Cable Railing, Decking Balustrade, Essex

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Tubular Modular Balustrade System
Tube Mount Wire Balustrade

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