The Savill Garden
Royal Landscape - The Savill Garden
The Savill Garden Visitor centre was short listed for the 2007 RIBA Stirling Prize.

The RIBA Stirling Prize is given for the RIBA Building of the Year. It is run in association with The Architects' Journal and is presented to the architects of the building which has been the most significant for the evolution of architecture in the past year.

Developed under the patronage of Kings and Queens, The Savill Garden was created in the 1930s by Sir Eric Savill.

S3i manufactured and installed this fabulous Stainless Steel Balustrade at the visitor centre in 2006.

The Balustrade posts, handrail and wire are all manufactured from high quality 316 (marine) grade stainless steel. Which will provide a hard-wearing and long lasting finish.

Tag: Balustrade, Handrail, Wire, Installation, Stainless Steel, The Savill Garden, RIBA Stirling Prize
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