Eye Bolt - Wood Screw Thread - Stainless Steel

Stainless Steel Eye Bolt (Vine Eye) for Direct Timber Mounting

Eye bolt suitable for a wide range of uses, such as horticulture, displays, home DIY and commercial applications.

Wood Screw Thread Eye Bolt - Vine Eye

Options Pack Size A
Code Price (inc VAT) Quantity 
5 x 50 (mm) Eye Bolt 1 50 30 11 5 EBWT-05-050 £1.10
In stock
6 x 60 (mm) Eye Bolt 1 60 41 14.1 6 EBWT-06-060 £1.19
In stock
8 x 80 (mm) Eye Bolt 1 80 50 18 7.9 EBWT-08-080 £2.52
7-10 days
10 x 100 (mm) Eye Bolt 1 100 60 22 9.7 EBWT-10-100 £5.29
In stock

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Wood Screw Thread Eye Bolt - Vine Eye

Options Pack Size A
Code Price (inc VAT) Quantity 
5 x 50 (mm) Eye Bolt (50) 50 50 30 11 5 EBWT-05-050-50 £49.68
In stock
6 x 60 (mm) Eye Bolt (50) 50 60 41 14.1 6 EBWT-06-060-50 £53.46
In stock
8 x 80 (mm) Eye Bolt (50) 50 80 50 18 7.9 EBWT-08-080-50 £113.40
7-10 days

Wood Screw Thread Eye Bolt - Vine Eye

Options Pack Size A
Code Price (inc VAT) Quantity 
10x100 (mm) Eye Bolt (25) 25 100 60 22 9.7 EBWT-10-100-25 £119.08
In stock


Stainless Steel Eye Bolt with wood screw thread.

Wood screw thread eye bolts (also referred to as vine eyes, screw eye bolts, eye screws, or turned/bent eye lags) have a wood or lag screw thread for use in wood, masonry or lag anchors.

Eye bolts are commonly used to attach cables to objects.

Suitable for direct wood mount, or simply combine with a plastic wall plug for masonry mounting.

Often used as a plant training aid (vine eye, screw eye), or to lay wire trellis.

Dimension Information:

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In Our Opinion

Did You know

S3i supplied this product to the family featured in the BBC One series 'DIY SOS: The Big Build' and was used as part of a life changing transformation to the home of a family in Rednal, Birmingham.

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