S3i Blog February - 2015

Welcome to the S3i Wired Blog Pages
Today marks the day where we begin the S3i Wired blog pages. Read these pages to get an informal look behind the scenes at S3i Group.
Tag: S3i Wired, Blog, News, The Staff, Office, Meet The S3i Team

We will be writing articles about our team, the office and workshop and some more intimate stories that relate to our business!
We also hope to add articles to help and inform; tips, FAQ answers and videos about our products.
Today though we'll start by showing you a little about ourselves, behind the scenes, by way of an introduction to S3i Group.

Meet (some of) our friendly sales team. Left to right are Jonny, John and Erika.

Nikki smiling at the camera as she works preparing orders for our customers.

Andy and I working on the S3i website. We hope you like what we do!

Harriett reely knows what she's doing with this reel of wire. (I know, I know!)