S3i Blog September - 2015
How do I install a wire rope grip
We are often asked how do I install a wire rope grip?
Follow our simple guide below for a quick and easy installation.
All you will need is a wrench/spanner and a set of wire rope cutters.
Before installation it is best to check you have the correct size clip to match your stainless steel wire rope, ie: 3mm rope grip for 3mm wire rope.
We would always recommend using 3 wire rope grips at each end to give a strong and secure fixing.
If properly prepared using 3 wire rope grips at each end to give a strong and secure fixing your working load limit (WLL) will be 80% of the wire rope's WLL.
Tag: Wire Rope Grip, Stainless Steel, Knowledge, S3i Group
First you should dismantle your rope grip by removing the threaded bolts.
1. To create a simple loop or thimble loop, turn back the required amount or wire rope to create your loop.
Starting approximately one saddle width in from the dead end of your rope place the U-bolt over the dead end and attach the saddle. "Never saddle a dead horse" is a good aide memoire! Apply the fixing nuts firmly - taking time to alternate between the two nuts as you tighten to ensure an even fixing.
2. Place the second grip as close to the thimble or loop as possible. Ensuring you place the U-bolt over the dead rope and fixing the saddle base evenly.
3. The third grip should be placed equidistant between the fixed grips. For safety we recommend that the space between the grips does not exceed 3 times the grip-width.
Once your grips are in place fully tighten the threaded bolts evenly. For added safety we recommend you check your bolts are secure at regular intervals (eg. 3 months, 6 months).
Before use we recommend you load test your wire rope assembly with a load that is equal or greater than the expected load, again checking that all the nuts are secure.
View our full range of wire rope grips here
Buyers Beware!
Check Your Grade of Stainless Steel.
The S3i ethos has always been to offer you the best advice and product for the right job.
We have recently noticed '304 Grade Eye Bolts and Eye Plates' described as 'Marine' grade stainless steel by Screwfix.
Simply follow our guidelines below.
316 Grade Stainless Steel products offer better corrosion resistance and are suitable for marine, coastal and exterior environments.
304 Grade Stainless Steel products are recommended for internal use only.
View our full ranges of Eye Bolts, Pad Eyes and Deck Plates.
Tag: S3i Group, Marine, Stainless Steel, Knowledge, Eye Bolts, Pad Eyes, Deck Plates